Friday, August 17, 2012

Don't buy fresh black eyed peas

In general, I'm feeling my energy come back, my desire to do things that are good for me...which led me to my purchase of fresh black eyed peas at the farmers market. They seemed exotic and interesting.   Tonight's dinner decision was between a vegetarian gratin (I'm not vegetarian but I don't care if I don't have meat at every meal unlike my late husband) or black eyed peas with grits.  So I'm taking advantage of things I couldn't do when Larry was alive.  There had to be meat and there had to be a sauce to go with the meat.  Back to the peas. I opted for the peas because I didn't feel like the 30 minute prep for the other dish but I was oh so wrong.   

When you see no instructions on the internet about cooking or preparing a vegetable, there's a reason for it.  It is synonymous with way-too-much-work-so-don't-even-try-it, it is not worth taking up space on the internet or it's never been done.  Pick one.  I was struggling with merely peeling the beans so I got this idea to parboil them. This helped.  Not wanting to stand and shell these and be painfully aware of the time it was taking to shell them, I turned on a documentary.  One full documentary later, I had the peas shelled. I kind of went with a recipe and kind of ad libbed but dinner fell just short of being yummy and I would have done less work with the other dish.  Lesson learned.  I long to develop a repertoire of go to recipes that I can just whip up.  Some nights this happens.  So not much about grief to report except that I am appreciating things that Larry did for us that makes my life sweeter now (such as we almost always had yummy meals) and the thoughts are not always met with a tinge of sadness.  It hasn't quite been 4 months.  I think this is excellent progress.

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